Welcome to Southern Pools of Miami, LLC. We have been in business for over 50 years! Southern Pools is a leading pool company in South Florida and handles repairs, monthly maintenance, resurfacing, and renovation of swimming pools and surrounding decking/pool area. Our employees are the hardest working in the industry to make sure your pool is in top condition. We provide free estimates for services and are locally owned and operated .
Southern Pools of Miami is highly rated on Angie's List as an A+ service and has also won super service awards for numerous consecutive years, the most recent being the 2016 super service award!
Here at Sabra Pools Inc, attention to detail counts. Our highly experienced staff cleans over 600 pools across Miami. Twelve professionals go through the tedious process of keeping a pool clean constantly. Whether the service is just once or a subscription, you can rest assured that your pool will be treated with the utmost care. With our service, details like baskets and drains are never missed. Pools are professionally cleaned weekly so a beautiful, shimmering pool can always be expected.

Sabra Pools also offers resurfacing for fair and lower prices. Get this service done quickly and efficiently by the experts here at Sabra Pools Inc. We resurface pools as well here at Sabra pools. Get the look of your dreams in your backyard with professionals and dedicated staff meticulously going through the process of resurfacing, step by step. Work is done quickly and efficiently, while being of the highest quality.

Sabra Pools offers repairs in pools for great prices. Anything from pipes, pumps, and pool cleaners can be repaired with experience and care. Leaks in pools, cracks in pipes, and leaking pumps are never a problem with Sabra Pools. New lights can be installed, and cleaners are taken to be repaired by experts with years of experience.

Where We Service